Deactivate slot

Sometimes you may need to temporarily switch off one or more slots. This may be because a customer has called and said that something is missing from that particular kayak, that the lock has malfunctioned so the customer could not open it, or something else. In this case, it may be a good idea to switch off the slots until you have the opportunity to go out to the station and fix this.

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Before deactivating a slot

  • Double check if there is a booking assigned to this slot. If yes, you need to go into the booking and change the slot. If there is no available slot, you need to contact the customer and offer re-booking or, for example, book another product. Cancel the booking with the slot turned off as the system itself does not do this.
  • If you are going to close a slot for a longer period of time, you need to check if it will affect future bookings. For example, if you have 3 tandem kayaks and need to switch off one of the slots. Then you need to ensure that you do not have a booking in the future (during the time the slot will be closed) that is 3 tandem kayaks because you will now only have two open. If this is the case, you need to contact the customer and resolve this.

Doublecheck Lock-id

To ensure that the code is sent to the correct lock, you need to check in the Igloo app and see what the new lock’s Bluetooth ID is and possibly update in Admin under “Lock ID”.

How to deactivate a slot

Re-activate slot

  1. Log in to the adminsidan.
  2. In the menu on the right, click on “Stations“.
  3. Click on “Edit products” and then “Edit resource“.
  4. In the top right corner, click on “Edit slots“.
  5. Go to the slot to be deactivated and untick the box called “Active” which is under “Bookable“.
  6. Press “Save” at the bottom of the page.

Don’t forget to reactivate the slot when it is available for use.

To do this, follow the same steps as before but tick the “Active” box.

Do not forget to save.

Keep reading:


What to do in the case that something is missing or damaged and you need to charge a customer additional fees.

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What to do in the case that a customer requests a refund. Gernerally, we try to avoid refunding customers and offer other options instead.

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