Organise local events

This is a very effective way to increase bookings, get new repeat customers and attract attention. It takes a little initiative, but it's worth it! The easiest way to create an event is on Facebook. You can find instructions for thathere. Senspread the word about your event as much as you can. An event can be organised with you as the operator, with a partner or without a leader. The events you create on Facebook are also visible on KAYAKOMAT's national Facebook page and we are happy to highlight these in, for example, newsletters.

What's in this article?

Please share your events with us!

See tips on events below, and feel free to share inour Facebook group if you are coming to or organising other events.

Need tips or help getting started? Don’t hesitate to call or write a message here via mykayakomat.

Activity calendar

Check out our calendar of activities for inspiration on what themes and occasions you can use when creating an event.

Why should you organise events?

  • Entices those who have long thought about trying KAYAKOMAT to actually take the opportunity.
  • You’ll have a message worth spreading, and one that’s easy for others to pass on.
  • The social aspect is attractive! Many people don’t want to paddle alone but have no-one to invite along.
  • You get many bookings at once! And hopefully repeat customers
  • Many people think that canoeing is more difficult than it is, at an event there is a chance to try it with others.
  • It’s fun! You get a chance to really get to know your customers and have a good time.

Also think about what local events are already happening in your town (perhaps the town is celebrating an anniversary or having a festival?) or if there are any organisations that might be interested in hosting an event on the water.

This could be the Nature Conservation Society, PRO, a gym, a school with an outdoor day and much more.

Types of events you can create at your KAYAKOMAT:

Opening evening with offer

AW paddling for companies (send email to local companies)

Contact local kayak/outdoor guides and ask if they are interested in organising tours under their own brand

Singles night

Social AW paddling (“come on Mondays at 5pm if you want company!”)

Discover XXX from the water! Come along and tell us about your city, or team up with a local guide;

Paddling with sausage grill/breakfast/glass of bubbly afterwards;

Pride paddling when it’srfestival in your city

Things to consider when creating an event:

  • Emphasise that participation is at your own risk
  • Spread the word about your event on social media, tell friends and submit as a tip to the local newspaper calendar.
  • If you are participating but are not a kayak guide, it is important to be clear that you have only organised for you to meet.
  • If your event is really exciting, it may also be something the media want to report on, contact your newspaper/local radio!
  • Disseminate information about your event in local Facebook groups, e.g. “What’s happening in XXX“?
  • If you want to get some extra exposure on social media, you can click on the “boost my post” button. There you can pay an amount of your choice for your post to appear in other people’s feeds.
  • Feel free to take photos if you are at the event! But remember to let participants know that these photos may be used in marketing for KAYAKOMAT (e.g. when you post photos on Facebook) and respect if someone doesn’t want that. This is also good to write in the event description.
  • Consider whether you want to charge extra or whether guests should only book kayaks on the booking page. If you want to charge extra, you can either book up the kayaks yourself and ask the customers to pay you or ask the customers to book on the booking site and then pay extra for the sausages, guiding or whatever you offer.

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Social media

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PR & media training

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