
Should an accident occur at your kayakomat, it is important that you act quickly and safely. First and foremost, always call 112 to get immediate help from the emergency services. It is important that you are clear when talking to the operator and inform them of your exact location and the situation.

What happens if there is an accident at my KAYAKOMAT?

Although accidents are rare, they can still happen and it is important to be prepared.

Should an accident occur at your kayakomat, it is important that you act quickly and safely. First and foremost, always call 112 to get immediate help from the emergency services. It is important that you are clear when talking to the operator and inform them of your exact location and the situation.

Then contact Richard Öhman, KAYAKOMAT’s founder and owner directly via SMS on Richard’s personal mobile 070-7563326.

Write briefly what has happened and Richard will call you back. Note: text ONLY if you have first contacted 112 or other emergency services are involved.

If you are approached by the media:

 If you are contacted by the media about the incident, do not have that conversation. We will take it from there. Therefore, it is important to keep the conversation as short as possible. Just reply:

“I am unfortunately unable to provide any comments at all. Please contact our Communications Officer Richard Öhman on 070-7563326.”

Don’t be tempted to say anything to ease any pressure – always firmly state:

“You’ll have to take that up with Richard”


“Sorry, you’ll have to talk to Richard. I can’t comment at all”

Please refer to KAYAKOMAT’s Richard Öhman. Richard’s mobile phone number is 070 756 33 26.

Refer to Richard Öhman

Refer to KAYAKOMAT’s founder, Richard Öhman. He takes all such calls so that you don’t have to think about them.

Richard’s mobile number is

Fortsätt läsa:

Skatt & moms

Den här sidan ger en översikt över olika typer av skatter och moms. Det är viktigt att du gör egna efterforskningar och anlitar en skattekonsult om det behövs. Varje land har olika regler och skattesatser, så se till att du får rätt information.

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Det här är en plats där vi välkomnar dina tankar, idéer och förslag. Vi vet att du som KAYAKOMAT-användare har massor av värdefull erfarenhet och insikter, och vi vill verkligen höra från dig.

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Nedan finner du diverse information om hur dina hyresintäkter och övrig försäljning redovisas och betalas samt hur olika avgifter redovisas. Det kan finnas undantag som gäller för just ditt avtal. Om du är osäker på vad som gäller, tveka inte att kontakta oss.

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