Texto de información local

On our website www.kayakomat.com there is a local subpage for each station. This is where the booking is made. See this this station as an example. Before starting up, you need to write and upload a text about your particular station. You do this via the admin page and in this text we explain how it works.

¿Qué contiene este artículo?

Local info on your booking page

On our website www.kayakomat.com there is a local subpage for each station. This is where the booking is made. See este this station as an example. Before starting up, you need to write and upload a text about your particular station. You do this via the admin page and in this text we explain how it works.

Posting a text about your centre is important for two reasons:

1. Potential customers will want to book. They may not be familiar with the area, or know what you have time to paddle to.

2. To increase traffic to the website. The more text about things that people search for on Google the better. See our chapter here on the Google page for more information.

How to add text to your booking page

  1. Log in to your admin page and click on “Estaciones“.

  2. Select the station you want to edit text for and click on “Edit station“.

  3. Almost at the bottom of the page there are fields called “Information (Your language)” and “Information (English)”, in these boxes you can change your text. Make sure to change both the English version and the one for your own language. Fill in the other languages only if you or someone you know knows them well, otherwise leave blank. Use the template below when writing the text and do not exceed the maximum word count.

    (Aquí is a website where you can double-check how many words your text has)

Tips for writing good texts: 

  1. Use ChatGPT to ask for an improvement and grammar check of the text before you post it. Both in your language and in English. If you are not comfortable writing in English and/or using ChatGPT, ask our support for help.
  2. Feel free to look at some other stations’ pages for tips on what to write about. Make sure to use “heading 2” for the top heading and “normal” for the rest of the text. The heading for “practical information” and “local tips” should be bold. Go to kayakomat.com and find your station when you are done, so you can see that it turned out as you intended. Contact support if you need help.If you need to change the text during the season, you can do so on the admin page. It can be, for example, temporary information about the location, a link to a nice place to paddle to or a temporary discount code you want to print, or tips on a beautiful route you found. 

  3. Linking to other websites is possible. Just click on the symbol to add a link. It could be a nice cafe you work with, a map with suggested routes or a Facebook event you have posted, etc. Try to get other websites to link to kayakomat.com too!

  4. Your contact details are on the booking page. If you change your phone number or email, you can do so on the admin page, but remember to also let us know.

  5. We at KAYAKOMAT may correct texts to optimise them for Google search engines, if we see incorrect information/language or if they are too long.

Video manual

Here you will find a video manual on how to add text to your admin page and other manuals about your admin.

Templates for info text in every language

Final tips:

What you can't do on the admin page:

You cannot change the image, video or icons on your booking page. If you have pictures and maps with nice paddling routes to recommend, we recommend posting them on social media. You can also add a link to social media here.

What to do instead:

One popular thing to do is to print out some maps with route suggestions, wrap them up and hang them on the KAYAKOMAT for customers to read on the spot. Or why not put a small wrapped booklet in each kayak with maps and tips?

Also good tip:

Feel free to link to nearby cafés, restaurants or other places that your customers might appreciate and that are within paddling distance or just nearby. Then you can also ask them to link back to us.

This is good for keyword optimisation, which you can read more about in the Google section.

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