Suggestion box

This is a place where we welcome your thoughts, ideas and suggestions. We know that as a KAYAKOMAT operator you have lots of valuable experience and insights, and we really want to hear from you.

Table of Contents

Welcome to the suggestion box

We believe in the power of collaboration and community. Whether it’s suggestions for improvement, new ideas for developing the business or feedback on existing processes – everything is welcome here.

So don’t be shy! Write down your thoughts in the box below and press ‘send‘. We look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Thank you for being an important part of the KAYAKOMAT family!

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Sustainability is an important part of our values and vision at KAYAKOMAT. We believe in promoting sustainable lifestyles and enabling people to experience nature in a responsible way. That is why we have chosen to work with recyclable polythene to reduce our environmental impact. We strive to run our business in a way that is as sustainable as possible and that’s why we also aim to reuse our equipment for as long as possible.

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Safety guidelines

At KAYAKOMAT, we’re committed to setting the standard for equipment safety. It’s our top priority to keep our users secure, and we’re constantly improving our processes to make sure our gear is in tip-top shape.

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Below you will find various information on how your rental income and other sales are recognised and paid and how different fees are accounted for. There may be exceptions that apply to your particular contract. If you are unsure about what applies, do not hesitate to contact us.

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