Registration creates security for you as an operator
Each kayak and SUP has a serial number on the front. This serial number needs to be registered via your admin page. As soon as you receive your equipment, you need to go to the Admin page and register these so we get this into the system.
Registering your kayaks or SUPs with us at KAYAKOMAT gives you security as an operator by enabling our protection coverage.
If something unexpected should happen, such as theft or damage to the equipment, our registration process helps us track and handle the situation in a quick and efficient manner.
NOTE! Theft protection is only valid if you have registered your kayaks, so it is very important that you do this as soon as you can after receiving the equipment.
It is also a prerequisite for being able to effectively manage the resale of the equipment. By having a clear overview of which kayaks and SUPs are in circulation and which belong to which operator, we can ensure that all sales are conducted fairly
By registering your kayaks or SUPs with us at KAYAKOMAT, it will also be easier for you to keep track of your equipment and its status.
Here's how to register your equipment:
- Log in to the Admin page.
- Click on Stations in the left menu. All your stations will appear here if you have more than one.
- On the right there is a button called Edit products, click on this at the station you want to register for.
- Now the products you have in your KAYAKOMAT are shown, e.g. Kayak Solo, Kayak Tandem, SUP.
- Click on “Edit resources” for the product you want to register.
- Now it comes up a bunch of fields you can fill in. If you have 6 single kayaks, 6 fields will appear where you can fill in the serial number.
- NOTE!!! It is extremely important that you fill in the correct number as this cannot be changed afterwards. Double check all numbers before you click “Save”.
Important! After registration:
Once you have registered your kayaks, it is also important to double check that all kayaks are in the correct slot.
You can do this by going to Stations → Edit products → Edit slots. Here you will see all your slots and which rows are available. If you change the location of any kayaks/SUPs, it is important that this is also changed in the system on this page. Click in the drop-down list on the slot to be changed and select the correct product.
NOTE! It is important to ensure that there is not a booking on the slot you are changing if you change between two different products.