Atelier d'opérateur

Acheter du matériel de remplacement manquant ou endommagé dans notre boutique d'opérateurs.

Que contient cet article ?

Replace worn out or missing accessories

The prices of the goods are retail prices, i.e. lower than what your customers would have paid.

Keep in mind that your customers are responsible to you for lost equipment. Therefore, if any equipment is missing, please contact us so that we can let you know who last rented from the rental location in question and help with reimbursement.

If there is anything you are missing or do not know how to use, please contact [email protected]

More products will be added during the season

Do you live in Canada? If you would like to order a product, please submit an enquiry here on myKayakomat, under the contact tab. Write which station you operate, which product you want to order and the quantity you want to order.

We will get back to you!


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